Details - Miscellaneous
The stereo buttons allow you to browse through and select predecessors and successors without having to go to the Chain screen
Click for a quick yet thorough refresher on the 1993 CAPL Industry Agreement
EnerLink checks back or forward to November 15, 1993, so you can determine if an Entity is party to the 1993 CAPL Industry Agreement, either as a direct signatory or as a successor or predecessor of a direct signatory This is Alberta’s corporate ID for ATCO Determine if an Entity name is in the final list of signatories for the 1993 CAPL Industry Agreement. EnerLink points out over 200 errors and other issues
Alberta Enery operator code
The EnerLink ID is a unique, permanent number given to each Entity. It can be used as a universal industry wide code This turns red if the Entity has one or more successors, in which case the Entity will have no Alberta Energy or ERCB information. Click the stereo button to the right to find the ultimate successor ERCB operator code
View the annotated screen shot for this screen
Start a new search. Hover to view the search screen
The Green Menu Button has several menu items. Hover for details
Go to the various EnerLink screens using these buttons, without changing your last view there. Click to view other screens
Sign out of EnerLink
The Preview Pane indicates in red the information EnerLink has for the selected Entity. Click a pane to see the information