Free Basic Searches
This page is for people who are not EnerLink subscribers. If you haven't already done so, it makes sense for you to start by signing up for a free 14-day trial of EnerLink. It is an automated process and takes under two minutes. The data you can get below is great, but it's a shame not to see the flexibility of EnerLink and the other features it has.
Below are links to five web pages we created so people without access to EnerLink can perform searches of the data underlying some of our most popular features. As the searches are not done in EnerLink, they are not as fast to perform and do not have the benefit of EnerLink's unique way of presentation. Having said that, the data is comprehensive, current and free of charge.
Hopefully this no cost access to EnerLink data will demonstrate just how comprehensive our data is. To inquire about a subscription to EnerLink, please contact us at
We reserve the right to limit the number of searches performed by any one person or entity.
EnerLink Title Documents
The link above lets you search by entity name and receive PDF title documents that show how the entity was created and what its fate was. With more than one search you can obtain PDF's of the full history of an entity, either working forwards or backwards. In EnerLink the process is much faster, as a single screen displays links to all relevant PDF documents and other data for an entity. The stats below are current as of today.
- 151,332 Entities (21,005 Active; 76,328 Predecessors; 19,830 Defunct; 34,169 Individuals)
- 132,745 Title Documents (53,570 Incorporations;* 26,271 Dissolutions;* 1,095 Asset Transactions; 51,809 Name Changes, Amalgamations, Mergers*) *or similar
- 120 Jurisdictions. The top 20 in terms of our data are: Alberta, Texas, Delaware, Oklahoma, British Columbia, Kansas, Canada, Ohio, Saskatchewan, England and Wales, Colorado, Louisiana, Ontario, Arkansas, West Virginia, California, Wyoming, Nevada, New York, Michigan
EnerLink Addresses and Key People
The link above lets you search by entity name and receive address information (address, phone, fax and website) and key people information (names and titles of directors, officers and senior managers). EnerLink goes one step futher with key people - it shows you "who knows who", for marketing and networking purposes. The stats below are current as of today.
- 16,226 Addresses; 16,678 Phone Numbers; 5,600 Fax Numbers; 6,149 Websites
- 45,986 Key People Relationships
EnerLink Mineral Reports
The link above lets you enter the number of any Alberta Crown Petroleum and/or Natural Gas Agreement (Active or Under Review) and receive an EnerLink Mineral Report. Our mineral reports are based on Alberta Energy data. In EnerLink they are generated in less than a second, typically fit on one or two pages with portrait orientation, and can be ordered individually, by township or by entity and/or an area drawn on a map. The speed and format have made the mineral reports one of our most popular features.
EnerLink Production
The link above lets you search by entity name for production information about hundreds of entities with operations in Canada, the U.S. and elsewhere. In addition to aggregate production in BOE/d (6:1) there is information about the production period, the data source (e.g. SEDAR filings or entity website), and the producing areas. In EnerLink you can see all producing entities in a single screen. There are filters that can be applied, the various fields are sortable, and the producing areas are searchable (e.g. Duvernay).
EnerLink Relationships
The link above lets you search by entity name and receive a report of its direct and indirect parents and subsidiaries, its partners and partnerships, and its trade names and aliases.
- 13,843 Parents and Subsidiaries
- 1,750 Partners of Partnerships