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Over 90% of oil and gas operations in Canada are conducted by companies that subscribe to EnerLink, a database service of corporate genealogy and related information. After years of adding data for the U.S. we are making our presence known there as well. First made available to industry in 1998, EnerLink helps identify business opportunities, improves decision making and results in significant administrative savings. As you can see at Subscribers, many types of companies use EnerLink, including:
- oil and gas explorers and producers
- oilfield service providers
- midstream companies
- pipeline companies
- energy marketers
- utilities
- seismic brokers
- mineral land agents
- surface land agents
- law firms
- investment companies
- financial institutions
- government departments
- data providers
EnerLink contains the following types of data, and more:
- corporate genealogy and asset transactions, all backed by PDF documents
- addresses, websites, phone numbers, fax numbers and email addresses
- directors, officers and senior employees
- parents and subsidiaries
- partners and partnerships
- trade names and aliases
- entities indexed by industry sectors
- production and mineral land information
- Alberta Crown Agreement mineral reports
- archived press releases
- government codes
EnerLink is used in many areas, including:
- mineral land
- surface land
- A&D
- accounting
- joint ventures
- exploration
- geophysical
- legal
- marketing
- administration
The EnerLink servers are updated each weekday. Here are a few statistics for some of our most popular data, current as of today:
- 151,050 Entities (21,045 Active; 76,004 Predecessors; 19,766 Defunct; 34,235 Individuals)
- 132,297 Title Documents (53,446 Incorporations;* 26,162 Dissolutions;* 1,088 Asset Transactions; 51,601 Name Changes, Amalgamations, Mergers*) *or similar
- 16,245 Addresses; 16,710 Phone Numbers; 5,635 Fax Numbers; 6,108 Websites
- 45,982 Key People Relationships
- 361,844 Who-Knows-Who Key People Relationships
- 13,848 Parents and Subsidiaries
- 1,743 Partners of Partnerships
- 120 Jurisdictions. The top 20 are: Alberta, Texas, Delaware, Oklahoma, British Columbia, Kansas, Canada, Ohio, Saskatchewan, England and Wales, Colorado, Louisiana, Ontario, Arkansas, West Virginia, California, Wyoming, Nevada, New York, Michigan
Please see the screenshots below and check Features and Pricing for more information.
Popular EnerLink Screenshots and Reports
Chains Screen Precedessors, successors and asset transactions. View PDF copies of title documents. Print related reports.

Profiles Production Screen Production statistics and operating areas for hundreds of entities with operations in Canada, the U.S. and internationally.

Map - Production Volumes Screen Working interest production. Search by Entity, Family, Lands, Field or Unit.

EnerLink Mineral Report For Alberta Energy and Indian Oil and Gas Agreements.

Addresses - Name Search Screen Thousands of addresses, phone and fax numbers, and websites. Data can be exported in Excel CSV format.

Details - Addresses Screen Detailed address information per Entity. Bottom half of screen shows related/nearby address, phone and fax information.

Map - Mineral Land Holdings Screen Search by Entity, Family or Lands. Drill down for Agreement details.

Recent Changes Screen Review title documents and parent/subsidiary relationships added to EnerLink over the past few weeks.

Chain View Report A graphical representation of the history of an Entity, starting from the bottom right.

Recent Developments Screen Press releases and similar back to 2011 pertaining to corporate deals, asset transactions, receiverships, etc. Searchable by Entity.

Details - Key People Screen 24,000+ directors and officers at 12,000+ companies. Bottom half shows "who works with who", for networking.

Details - Title Documents Screen History and Status title document details for an Entity. Also its asset documents, and its press releases back to 2011.

Map - Expiries and Continuations Screen Search by Entity, Family or Lands. Filter by 180, 360 or 720 days. Drill down for Agreement details.

Details - Relationships Screen Parents, subsidiaries, partnerships, partners, trade names and aliases.

Addresses - Title Search Screen Filter by job title and location, as well as by production in BOE/d. Data can be exported in Excel CSV format.